Friday, April 6, 2012

Harmony Of Contradictions

In the overwhelming darkness of the night, the moon stood aglow- a tiny circle unobscured by the infinite blackness.It was then that it suddenly struck my mind that the greatest concord in nature dwells between opposites.  The bright light of the day would engulf the gentle glow of the moon, dissolving its presence. The darkness of the night enhances the elegance of the moon, it feeds its existence . The night surrenders itself to the moon and this union of contrasts breeds divine beauty.
Voices can exist only in the presence of silence. If there was an inferno of noise everywhere, voices would have no meaning.  Rest would be robbed of its beauty in the absence of fatigue. The cool breeze has its tenderness only in the scorch of summer. It is only in the dusk of deep sorrow  that you see the light of that courage which, you had thought , was impossible in you. The most benumbing of shocks stirs to life something that was numb in you all your life. In the heart of contradictions exists impregnable harmony...


  1. "In the heart of contradictions exists impregnable harmony..." Beautiful.

    When words lie wasted,
    Silence gives solace.
    Yet is not silence the loudest sound we ever hear?

    Shine on, you crazy diamond.
