Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Rendezvous With Yourself

Have you ever dropped the idea of buying a movie ticket because none of your friends was willing to accompany you? or
Have you ever hesitated to enter a restaurant because there was nobody to join you at the table?
Have your worst weekends been the ones when you had neither friends, parents or your partner to share it with ?
Well if that's the case then this column is for you. We all have a desire to be wanted, to be loved and to belong to a coveted group and that's pretty natural. But have you ever wondered why do we always want to cling to other people's company? Why are we so uncomfortable being just with ourselves?
The answer is that in  the years we spend understanding our parents, our friends, our mate and our colleagues; we somewhere skip to understand ourselves. We get so involved in what other people think about us that we somehow never reflect on what we think about ourselves. We get so busy making compromises for our loved ones that we somehow forget to love the person we are and the moments, hours and years we spend trying to fit in with others, we forget to enjoy our very own company !
My dad once told me that there is a lot of difference between being 'alone' and being 'lonely' . Sitting in your room with no one by your side, you may be 'alone'  but if you have an amazing equation with yourself then that time could turn into one of the most treasured moments of your life. It could simply give you the opportunity to read up a beautiful book or could help you to introspect and evolve as a person or  delve in your passions and come up with a unique path-breaking idea  . Thus Those few moments of solitude could give birth to a poet, a philosopher, an entrepreneur or a great humanitarian in you!
Sit back one of these days, cancel all your ventures for the day and try being all by yourself. Reflect on all the amazing stuff you have done, even if it is as small an act as planting a sapling, loving your pet or simply bringing a smile on someone's face. Feel good about yourself. Accept yourself with all your flaws, the little peculiarities, the embarrassments, the things you do not do so well and the wonderful qualities too and try falling in love with the one person who you really are without struggling to become the person the world wants you to be. It's important to remember that it is not selfish to love ourselves. Even to love others truly we first need to love ourselves enough.
If you fall in love with that one person who is going to be with you throughout your stay on this planet, that is, YOURSELF, imagine what a beautiful journey life will become!
Then every moment will be perfect and the pure joy of your very existence will add the twinkle to your eyes, the colour to your cheeks and the warmth to your presence which will draw the best into your life- the job, the partner , the friends and most importantly  the best in you .......  
So love the skin you are in ( well, this is not an Olay add :p ) .....


  1. gr8 writing. may you experience bliss and joy in every moment of your life and live this life to the fullest.

  2. Awesome! It wouldn't take rocket science to understand you writing so well on this subject!
    Really nice read, Anoothi!

    And that passage on the difference between being 'alone' and 'lonely', well, speechless. :)

    Waiting for the next post :)

  3. thanks abhishek :) appreciation coming from you is really special because i love the way you write.

  4. Truly overwhelmed reading this prodigious literature. Flabbergasted. Great philosophical teaching. Literary genius in you is shining. Take it sky high.
